Sunday, October 14, 2012

Disadvantage Of Cloud Computing | Tech News

Cloud Computing technology is an advanced technology which uses internet and central remote?servers to maintain data and application. This technology allows consumers and businesses to use?application without installation. Through this you can access your personal data from any computer?with internet access over the server. Cloud Computing is a general term for anything that involves?delivering hosted services over the Internet. Yahoo email, Gmail, or Hotmail etc are the example of?Cloud Computing. This technology is broadly divided into three categories i.e. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The work is taken from?by the cloud symbol which is usually used to define Internet in flowcharts and diagrams.

cloud computing disadvantage

Storing data over internet it good as your data will be safe if your computer will crash but along with?it cloud computing have few disadvantages.

  • Cloud computing works online and if you are running any business over the internet then?you must be online all the time to serve the customers. Cloud computing is disadvantageous?as you will be offline when the server is offline. Your business will be totally depends on the?consistency of internet connection which suffer you a lot. If the internet connection is slow?not available then work will endanger.
  • ?Security issue is quite important point of cloud computing. Is your data safe over the server?or not? It is analysed by cloud computing vendors that if the server will be attacked then?your data will also be attacked and you will lost it which is not the safest point of storing?data.
  • In cloud computing application inflexibility is there. If your document is made in different?application then you cannot save on the server like Google docs.
  • As mentioned above that your business will totally depend upon cloud computing?application, regarding this Anita Campbell said, ?Customer service for Web apps leaves a?lot to be desired. All too many cloud-based apps make it difficult to get customer service?promptly or at all. Sending an email and hoping for a response within 48 hours is not an?acceptable way for most of us to run a business?.

It is analysed that you can run small businesses on this technology as it is not difficult to handle. If?we talk about data storage then keep a copy of all your data along with you in external hard disc.?Now if you lost your data from the server by any attack no need to worry. You are safe!


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