Monday, November 5, 2012

Poll: Michigan Young Adults Worry About Losing Jobs to China, Support Lowering Taxes to Encourage Hiring

SOURCE: Generation Opportunity

Generation Opportunity

Young Michiganders Blame Cheap Wages Abroad, High Taxes, and Excessive Regulations in the US for Loss of Jobs to China

WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwire - Nov 4, 2012) - Generation Opportunity, with over 4 million fans on Facebook and direct grassroots engagement with over a quarter million young Americans, today released additional results from their comprehensive Michigan-specific survey of young adults ages 18-29. The poll found that 73% of Millennials in Michigan are concerned that so many American jobs are going to foreign competitors like China. If given the opportunity to set America's fiscal priorities, 67% would lower taxes to restore and expand jobs in America.


  • 73% of Michigan Millennials are concerned that so many American jobs are going to foreign competitors like China.
  • 67% agree that, with more and more companies leaving the USA in favor of locating their business in places like China and even Canada, President Obama should lower the taxes on American businesses to restore and expand jobs in America.
  • When asked why they thought American jobs are going to foreign competitors like China, 18-29 year olds in Michigan indicated the following reasons: (Randomized List) (Accepted Multiple Responses)
    • 79% - Cheaper wages overseas;
    • 41% - High taxes on businesses in the U.S.;
    • 31% - Too much regulation on businesses in the U.S.;
    • 26% - Lack of opportunities to start and grow businesses in the U.S.;
    • 1% - I do not think U.S. jobs are going overseas;
    • 5% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).
  • In a nationwide survey, 76% of Millennials viewed China as a danger: 48% as an economic threat and 28% as both an economic and military threat.***


  • When asked to rank the greatest threats to the national security of the United States, Michigan Millennials listed the following reasons: (Randomized List) (Accepted Multiple Responses)
    • 63% - The national debt;
    • 46% - Energy dependence;
    • 44% - Indebtedness to foreign nations;
    • 36% - Terrorism;
    • 31% - Nuclear capable nations like Iran;
    • 3% - Other;
    • 7% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).
  • 57% of Michigan Millennials are not confident that America will still be a global leader in five years if the USA continues along the same path as the last few years.
  • When asked what they blame for the loss of Michigan's primary manufacturing plants, 18-29 year olds in Michigan indicated the following reasons: (Randomized List) (Accepted Multiple Responses)
    • 62% - Outsourcing of jobs to other countries like China;
    • 40% - Lack of investment in American industry;
    • 29% - Lack of demand for goods;
    • 22% - Too many restrictions and regulations on manufacturing in Michigan;
    • 4% - Other;
    • 12% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).


  • Only 28% of Michigan Millennials agree with the statement "generally speaking, things in the United States are heading in the right direction."
  • Only 42% believe that the policies supported by the Obama administration have helped create jobs in Michigan.
  • Just 38% approve of President Obama's administration's handling of youth unemployment.
  • 61% would increase production of domestic American energy sources like oil, natural gas, and coal if given the opportunity to set America's fiscal priorities.


  • 78% of Michigan Millennials plan to vote in the election for President this year.
  • Only 34% believe that today's political leaders reflect the interests of young Americans.


"Young Michiganders know we need to regain our competitive edge as countries like China look to overtake huge swaths of our economy. The rapid expansion of China, both economically and militarily, is not a new concept to young Michiganders who have seen industries within the state work to compete with these rising powers. Today, however, with unemployment so high, especially for young Americans looking to enter the workforce, young Michiganders are increasingly concerned about the loss of jobs, particularly manufacturing jobs, to competitors like China.

"Young Michiganders grew up in the culture of the auto industry -- it is a part of daily life. Their parents and grandparents worked hard to build companies that would not only lead the country, and in fact the world, into a new era, but would provide for a life at home and put dinner on the table. They understand that it is human ingenuity and drive that have built the foundation for the state's economic prosperity, not Washington. They are once again looking for Washington to get out of the way and stop inhibiting the same type of growth they created in the last century, thus allowing nations like China to overtake us in this century," said Amber S. Roseboom, Executive Vice President of Generation Opportunity, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the United States Office of Personnel Management, and former team member at the United States Department of Labor under Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

"Having seen the U.S. lose ground over the last few years, young Michiganders are looking for a change of course that includes lower taxes on businesses in order to keep them from moving oversees and to make growth here in the U.S. more achievable once again. Young Michiganders know the stakes are high for themselves, for the state and for the country, and they plan to vote on Tuesday for the candidate that has best articulated a plan to free up businesses and individuals to once again turn their dreams into businesses that reshape the future."

Roseboom, a Michigan native, is a graduate of Michigan State University's James Madison College.


For Generation Opportunity, the polling company, inc./WomanTrend, conducted a statewide online survey of 507 Michigan adults ages 18-29 between July 27 - August 16, 2012. Randomly selected online opt-in panel participants were sent an invitation to the survey via email, which included a secure link to the online questionnaire. Quotas were used to ensure the survey was representative of the larger 18-29 year old statewide population with regard to race, region, and gender. The data were NOT weighted. The overall sampling margin of error for the survey is ?4.4% at a 95% confidence interval, meaning that the data obtained would not differ more than 4.4 percentage points in 95 out of 100 similar samples obtained.

***The specific data point, "76% of Millennials view China as a danger: 48% as an economic threat and 28% as both an economic and military threat," is from our 2011 survey (the polling company, inc./WomanTrend, April 16 - 22, 2011, +/- 4 percent margin of error).


Generation Opportunity is the largest non-profit, non-partisan organization in the United States engaging and mobilizing young Americans (ages 18-29) on important economic issues facing the nation. Since its launch in June of 2011, Generation Opportunity has operated on a combined strategy of advanced social media tactics and field tactics to reach young Americans across the country.

Generation Opportunity is actively organizing young adults across America through grassroots tactics, voter registration, and voter turnout efforts in states like Ohio, Virginia, Maine, North Carolina, and Florida, engaging over a quarter million young adults. The organization's social media platforms have amassed a total fan base of more than 4 million. Facebook pages post links to relevant articles and reports from sources ranging from the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO), to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Brookings Institution, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, and The Heritage Foundation.

Read about Generation Opportunity here; visit "Being American by GO" on Facebook here, "The Constitution by GO" on Facebook here,?"Gas Prices Are Too Damn High" on Facebook here, "Lower Taxes by GO" on Facebook here, "Keep Texas Awesome" on Facebook here, "Jersey Proud" on Facebook here, and "We Like Small Government" on Facebook here.

For our Spanish-language page -- Generaci?n Oportunidad -- click here.

Follow us on Twitter @GenOpportunity.


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